• 25th ENCATC Congress was held in Brussels

    On the first day of this year’s meeting on cultural networks, ENCATC The European Network on Cultural Management and Policy which celebrates its 25th anniversary, first held a network session on the current projects and cooperation of the members, then enabled further integration of the group that has been formed and supported by it’s General Assembly. Since Taiwan and the US counterparts, TACPS and AAAE, have also been hosted at ENCATC meetings in the last couple of years, developments in Asia and North America can be brought into debate by the conveyance of stakeholders.  At this year's meeting, the diversity of discussions has increased in the joint sessions with cases from different countries and different cultural policy practices.

  • 11 Nov, 2017

  • The Book of the 3rd National Cultural Council of Turkey Published

    The book of the 3rd National Cultural Council of Turkey, which was held on March 3-5, 2017 in Istanbul by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, has been published. The book begins with the preface of Minister of Culture and Tourism Nabi Avcı, carries on with the opening speeches of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Minister in the council, followed with 17 chapters that were discussed in different commissions.

  • 07 Oct, 2017

  • 2005 UNESCO Cultural Diversity Convention International Survey Implementation

    As decided at the Civil Society Forum held at the Conference of Parties to the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in Paris in June 2017, an international survey was initiated to monitor the Convention's awareness among the non-governmental organizations and the levels of their implementation of the Convention. The survey is conducted by the Cultural Diversity Coalitions, which advocates for the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions in different countries around the world and as a result of the findings, a civil society report is planned to be released in the upcoming weeks.

  • 07 Oct, 2017

  • “Izmir Map of Culture and Arts Venues – 2017”: A Pioneering Step for the Izmir Pilot City Project

    Having determined as one of the primary objectives since its foundation, İzmir Culture Pla+form Initiative (IKPG) has been working on “İzmir Map of Culture and Arts Venues – 2017” for a while, a cultural mapping study for the identification and documentation of registered and unregistered cultural venues and spaces in İzmir. IKPG is a civil society initiative that aims to generate tools to increase communication among actors of arts and culture field in the city and to help their production to become more visible.

  • 07 Oct, 2017