• The cultural inventory of Diyarbakır catalogued

    The cultural assets of the eastern province of Diyarbakır have been listed as a result of work initiated in 2009 by the Diyarbakır Museum. The city is famous for its historical walls, mosques, churches, inns, houses, fortress, bridge and bazaars. Link

  • 16 Nov, 2015

  • Lost ancient island found in the Aegean

    A lost island where the ancient city of Kane was located has been found by geo-archaeologists in the Aegean province of İzmir’s Dikili district. The island was mentioned in ancient sources. Link1 Link2

  • 13 Nov, 2015

  • New city walls found in ancient Anavarza

    Excavations in the ancient city of Anavarza, located in the southern province of Adana, have unearthed new city walls from the 8th and 9th centuries. Head of the excavations, Çukurova University Archaeology Department Assistant Professor Fatih Gülşen said works had been continuing with a team of 40 people and the new walls were discovered during cleaning work around the excavation field. Link

  • 11 Nov, 2015

  • Animal fossils in Istanbul shedding light on history

    Turkey’s only Osteoarchaeology Application and Research Center continues to shed light on Istanbul’s past thanks to the large number of animal fossils and others that were discovered during the Marmaray diggings. Link

  • 10 Nov, 2015

  • Illegal digs unearth mosaics

    Roman-era floor mosaics unearthed during illegal excavations in the southern province of Osmaniye were rescued from smugglers in a police operation. Adana and Osmaniye security forces, which were informed about an illegal excavation in the village of Kayalı, carried out an extensive operation in five different places and seized the Roman era floor mosaics. Link1 Link2

  • 09 Nov, 2015

  • Ancient theater, the first of its kind, discovered on Cyprus

    “The Australian team has uncovered the oldest theater on Cyprus: a structure that was used as a venue for performance and spectacle for over six-and-a-half centuries from 300 B.C. until its final destruction in the earthquakes of A.D. 365,” said the statement. Link

  • 09 Nov, 2015

  • Museums in Turkey, ministry fight back against forged artifacts

    Producing forged sculptures is one of the most common methods of fraud for swindlers. Some of the sculptures were on display in museums, while others were seized by the police. The Culture and Tourism Ministry has seized hundreds of fake artifacts over the last five months. Link

  • 07 Nov, 2015

  • Ancient columns unearthed in Laodicia

    In one of the largest ancient cities in the western province of Denizli, Laodicea, the columns of a portico structure, which collapsed during an earthquake in 494, have been unearthed after more than 15 centuries. Link

  • 05 Nov, 2015

  • Turkish domestic travel trends down

    Turkish citizens spent around 80 million nights on vacation in the second quarter of the year, down from 87 million in the same period a year earlier, according to the Turkish Statistics Institute (TÜİK), which revealed Nov. 5 domestic travelers mostly chose to stay with friends or relatives rather than hotels. Link1 Link2

  • 05 Nov, 2015

  • Turkey’s first underwater museum opens in Side

    Taking a pioneering step for both Turkey and the European continent, cultural and trade officials in the southern district of Side have cut the ribbon on a new underwater museum on the Mediterranean. The museum displays 110 sculptures in five different themes. Link

  • 04 Nov, 2015