• Support for excavations on the rise

    Turkish Culture and Tourism Ministry’s support for archaeological excavations, which was 1,877,915 Turkish Liras in 2002, increased by 17 fold this year. Link

  • 16 Sep, 2015

  • Kalehöyük home to traces of five civilizations

    Remains from the Ottoman, Seljuk, Roman, Byzantine and Hellenistic civilizations have been unearthed from 11 meters underground during three years of excavations in the Central Anatolian province of Kırşehir’s Kalehöyük mound. Link

  • 16 Sep, 2015

  • Ancient sea route discovered in Mersin

    Underwater archaeological work carried out by Konya Selçuk University (SU) in the southern province of Mersin’s Silifke district has unearthed a 5,000-year-old sea route. The SU Underwater Research Center’s Selçuk-1 Scientific Research Vessel observed the coasts of Mersin, located in the eastern Mediterranean, where traces of the world’s first maritime route and earliest harbors were found. Link1 Link2

  • 13 Sep, 2015

  • Excavations begin anew in ‘pirate city’

    Once a hub for pirate activity, the ancient city of Antiocheia Ad Cragnum in Antalya’s Gazipaşa district is now undergoing renewed excavations that is shedding new light on the history of the area. “In the excavations, we have uncovered a 600-meter-long mosaic, some remains of a bath and a parliament building so far,” said Dr. Birol Can the excavation crew coordinator for the site and a lecturer at Uşak University’s Science and Literature Department Archaeology Department. Link

  • 02 Sep, 2015

  • Settlement in Yassıhöyük could date back to 6,000 B.C., say archaeologists

    Excavation work at Ovaören village in Central Anatolian Nevşehir province has brought to light a settlement in ancient Yassıhöyük dating back to 1,700 B.C.The ancient site could, however, even date back to 6,000 B.C., said the head of the excavation team and the director of the Gazi University Archaeology Department, Yücel Şenyurt. Link

  • 01 Sep, 2015

  • Movie to be shot in ‘Dracula’s castle’ in Turkey

    A movie is due to be shot at Tokat Castle, Turkey’s second-largest castle in the northern province of Tokat, where it is claimed that Wallachian Prince Vlad III “The Impaler,” also known as Dracula, was held captive in one of the the castle’s dungeons in the early 15th century. Link

  • 31 Aug, 2015

  • Art follows in the footsteps of math in Şirince village

    Turkey now has an Art Village. The newest project by Ali Nesin, the founder of the Nesin Mathematics Village in İzmir, Art Village quietly launched its inaugural program this summer in Şirince with a compact, two-week schedule that focused on both the theoretical and applied aspects of art. Link

  • 30 Aug, 2015

  • Pieces of huge structure found in Didim

    Excavation works in the Temple of Apollo in the western province of Aydın’s Didim district have unearthed the foundations of a giant structure, thought to have connections with the temple. The works have been carried out by the German Halle Martin Luther University, the German Archaeology Institute and the Milet Museum Directorate. Link

  • 27 Aug, 2015

  • Athena’s head unearthed in Laodicea

    Two statue heads buried 10 meters under the ground were brought to light in the ancient city of Laodicea, located in the western province of Denizli.The heads of Athena, goddess of reason, crafts, arts and literature, and Janus, god of beginnings and transitions, were unearthed on Stadium Street and held under protection. Link

  • 27 Aug, 2015