Results of five calls published!

January '16

Result of call for tenders: EAC/03/2015

Crowdfunding for the cultural and creative sectors: kick-starting the cultural economy
The contract for the open call for tenders, EAC/03/2015, Crowdfunding for the cultural and creative sectors: kick-starting the cultural economy has been awarded to a consortium composed of the following organisations:
IDEA Strategische Economische Consulting (leader),
European Crowdfunding Network, and
Ecorys UK Limited.
The aim of this pilot project is to identify, analyse and publicise the best practices in Europe's crowdfunding market in relation to the cultural and creative sectors (CCS). The project is composed of an analytical part, including a market analysis of crowdfunding for the CCS, as well as communication activities (website and conference) that should bring together stakeholder communities interested in crowdfunding for culture and creativity. The project will support the European Commission in the implementation of its political objectives regarding access to alternative sources of finance for SMEs and to provide case studies of good practice.

Result of call for tenders: EAC/53/2014

European expert network on culture and audio-visual (EENCA)
The contract for the open call for tenders, EAC/53/2014, European expert network on culture and audio-visual (EENCA) has been awarded to a consortium composed of the following organisations:
Panteia B.V. (leader),
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
The overall objectives of this contract are to contribute, on the one hand, to the improvement of cultural policy development in Europe and, on the other hand, to audiovisual policy development, through the setting up of an effective network of leading European centres and experts on culture and of the audiovisual industry. This network will be called to advise and support the European Commission in the analysis of cultural and audiovisual policies, as well as policies pertaining to the cultural and creative sectors (CCS), including the analysis of audiovisual markets, policies and instruments.

Result of call for tenders: EAC/04/2015

An Updated study on the economy of culture – creative value chains 
The contract for the open call for tenders, EAC/04/2015, An updated study on the economy of culture – creative value chains has been awarded to a consortium composed of the following organisations:
IDEA Strategische Economische Consulting (leader),
KEA European Affairs,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
The study will propose a methodology and carry out an analysis of the creative value chains for each one of the different cultural and creative sub-sectors. It will focus on the market imperfections exacerbated through the digital shift in the cultural and creative sectors, examine the effects of digitisation and resulting evolution of revenues for CCS, roles of internet intermediaries, platforms etc. It will also look at the specific situation of the creators and how to ensure fair remuneration and revenue sharing and identify at which points of the value chain an action at EU level could have an impact in order to redress existing imbalances.

Result of Call for proposals:  EAC/S11/2015

Supporting networks of young creative entrepreneurs: EU and third countries
The grant agreement for the call for proposals EAC/S11/2015, Supporting networks of young creative entrepreneurs: EU and third countries has been awarded to a consortium composed of the following organisations:
Inovamais - Servicios de Consultadoria em Inovaçãos Tecnológicas S.A (leader),
Kea European Affairs,
Addict – Agência para o Desenvolvimento das Indústrias Criativas,
Visiting Arts,
Librios Limited,,
Fonds Roberto Cimetta,
Elia – The European League of Institutes of the Arts.
This pilot project aims at creating a Platform that will gather existing networks of young entrepreneurs active in the cultural and creative sectors in the EU and in third countries and that will facilitate the creation of new ones. The Platform will enable connections/exchanges between professionals from Europe and third countries and help a new generation of creative professionals to accelerate their professional development. The Platform will include services such as coaching, peer-learning activities, conferences on specific topics, study visits and participation in match-making events with representatives of cultural and creative sectors around the world.

Result of Call for proposals: EAC/S08/2015

EU network of creative hubs and co-working spaces
The grant agreement for the call for proposals EAC/S08/2015 has been awarded to a consortium composed of the following organisations:
British Council (leader),
European Business and Innovation Centre Network,
Bios Exploring Urban Culture,
Addict - Agência para o Desenvolvimento das Indústrias Criativas,
Betahaus GmbH & Co. KG,
Kulturni Kod,
Creative Edinburgh Limited,
Factoria Cultural – Vivero de Industrias Creativas.
The project will reinforce networks of creative hubs at the EU level. It will strengthen trans-national and cross-sectoral cooperation within the cultural and creative sectors via digital means and enhance exchanges of experience and best practice between EU creative hubs and between cultural and creative sectors. The project will also provide capacity-building to creative hub managers and cultural and creative professionals and entrepreneurs and will draw lessons and conclusions for further policy making (on innovative business models, innovative schemes and others).