Participatory Governance in Culture Conference, Rijeka 2017

March '18

The international and interdisciplinary conference “Do It Together. Participatory Governance in Culture: Exploring Practices, Theories and Policies” took place November 22-24, 2017 in Rijeka, as a culmination of the partnership between Kultura Nova Foundation and Rijeka 2020 LLC, with the collaboration of European Cultural Foundation (ECF) and International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA). The conference was organized as the final activity of the “Approaches to Participatory Governance of Cultural Institutions” project, supported by UNESCO’s International Fund for Cultural Diversity.

“Approaches to Participatory Governance of Cultural Institutions” is a two-year project (from March 2016 to March 2018), implemented by the Kultura Nova Foundation with the support of UNESCO International Fund for Cultural Diversity. The project provided participants with a cultural zone where they were able to conduct research and opportunities to cross paths with new visions of culture and cultural policy.

The conference set up the directions for future research and actions for participatory governance in culture. Participants – practitioners, researchers and policy-makers, came from a broad range of disciplines: cultural policy, arts management, architecture and urbanism, sociology, philosophy, political science, economy, etc. They discussed different approaches, roles and meanings of participatory governance in culture in different geopolitical contexts. Participants explored how participatory governance contributes to cultural sustainability and the new ideas generated during the conference.


You may find detailed information along with video recordings from the conference at the following link: