February '22
Track 3.7: Organizing for innovation in the cultural sector
Track chairs: Silvia Sacchetti (University of Trento, Italy), Lorenzo Mizzau (University of Genova, Italy)
The works of this track on “Organizing for innovation in the cultural sector” aims to analyse the new technological organisational and economic transformations that the cultural sector and the organisations operating within it have undergone over the past years.
The focus includes (but it is not limited to) the effects and adaptations in the cultural industry following technological changes (such as music/movies streaming platforms, the use of live broadcasting platforms, digitalization of culture), and the pandemic crisis. The focus is not only on the difficulties but also on the opportunities that the contextual situation has offered for innovation and change.
More specifically, this track encourages paper submissions that:
Details: People and territories (rnd2022.org)