2018 is Announced as the European Year of Cultural Heritage

February '18

On the occasion of 2018 becoming European Year of Cultural Heritage, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee will organize a range of initiatives and events which will provide greater engagement with and involvement in cultural heritage throughout the year. European Year of Cultural Heritage, celebrated with thousands of events till the end of 2018, aims to guide people towards an appreciation of the importance of cultural heritage as a universal value for individuals, communities and societies in building the future; the search for ways of conservation and maintenance of heritage and the 4 different kinds of cultural heritage (tangible, intangible, natural, digital).

By establishing that cultural heritage is not only present in literature, arts, objects or archaeological fields but also in handcrafts that we learn from previous generations, stories that we tell to our kids, even in the food we eat and the films we watch, the year’s events especially aim for cultural heritage to be protected and passed on by the younger generations.

Additionally, the EU will fund projects supporting cultural heritage. Through a dedicated call for cooperation projects related to the European Year of Cultural Heritage, launched under the Creative Europe programme, additional opportunities will be available under Erasmus+, Europe for Citizens, Horizon 2020 and other EU programmes.

